Passover Palooza

Family and friends of the community are welcome to join the JCC on April 10th, from 2-4pm, for a fun interactive Passover celebration. Participate in many exciting activities while learning about the holiday of Passover -- Red Sea Obstacle Course, The Great Matzah Build, “Plague Style” Games, Judaic Crafts, the Afikomen Hunt, Guess the Pickles and more… The JCC has so much planned and excited to make this an annual tradition for families year after year!
Sunday, April 10th • 2-4 PM
Red Sea Obstacle Course • The Great Matzah Build
“Plague Style” Games • Judaic Crafts
Afikomen Hunt • Guess the # of Pickles & more...
Open to the community!!

$36 per household
Grandparents FREE
Rain or Shine - We are on!
All payments due at time of registration. Event is non-refundable.

Please bring sealed chametz to donate to the JFCS mobile food pantry!