Become a JCC Sponsor Today!
We need your support. The JCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and our camp and family life programs are not fully funded by our program fees. We rely on donations to help keep camp affordable and deliver vital programming for our community all year long, during these challenging times. The pandemic has fueled our mission to expand offerings with a diverse range of virtual “gatherings” for seniors and families.
Your support matters. Every donation funds innovative programming for more than 2,000 families, seniors, teens and young adults. It allows children of all needs to have a place to play in the summertime. It provides warm meals and stimulation for our seniors who need it most. It helps families with economic constraints feel connected to the community and live their best life.
Your choice, your impact.
Camp Sponsor
Program Sponsor
Campus Sponsor
For more information about sponsorship at the J, please contact Wendy Soos, Executive Director, at wsoos@jccpmb.org or call (609) 606-7070.