Become a JCC Abrams Camps Sponsor Today!
We are here to support our camp families! This summer, we believe it is more important than ever to provide your children with a positive and safe place to be with their peers. To have role models that will care for them and rebuild their self-confidence for them to go back to school. We know that Jewish camping is one of the strongest factors in creating a lifelong love of Jewish learning, culture, and connection to Israel.
Help us, help them. There is an exciting opportunity this summer to grow your business by supporting the only local non-profit community camp -- and feel good about it. The JCC Abrams Camps serves more than 400 campers and staff from 20 towns within New Jersey and PA. Weekly web blasts and mailings reach more than 15,000 people daily.
Premier Summer
Camp Sponsor
Year Round Event & Program Sponsor
JCC Campus Sponsor
For more information about sponsorship at the J, please contact Wendy Soos, Executive Director, at wsoos@jccpmb.org or call (609) 606-7070.